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Big Fish Factory is a foundation dedicated to promoting and exhibiting artistic projects that are innovative, progressive, and rooted in research of contemporary issues in the field of performing arts.

24/02/2024 - STROMING curates Petra Hermanova and Alliyah Enyo for the A-Kerk during Hybrid Festival.
11/11/2022 - BART releases 'NONTENT' EP with Icelandic collective post-dreifing.
21/09/2022 - Nina Iggy and Jos Jacob exhibit 'Mori at Movere' at SIGN project space, Groningen.
15/06/2022 - Nina Iggy's presents new performance 'Mori' at Welcome To The Village Festival.
10/08/2021 - BART presents new immersive audio project at Oranjewoud Festival with Ragnheidur Erla.
Do you want to contribute to expanding progressive arts in the North-Netherlands and beyond?
Have bold artistic ideas but nowhere to turn? Let's talk. .
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